
 news    |      2024-07-09


Anytime, anywhere, meet like-minded people.

We started our journey with the motto “meet people with similar interests. “There are plenty of people out there to meet Holly Rummy for an unforgettable experience, but it's not always easy to cross each other's paths and start a new friendship. Urbansurf is here to be the joining point.

What can you do with Urbansurf?

Urbansurf offers several features to discover a city, find activity partners, make new friends and much more. Let's see in more detail.

Find activities

Are you new in town or a traveler looking to attend local events? There are many activities opened by other users who are waiting for you to join Urbansurf. Check out the activities and find one that is close to your location and meet like-minded people.

Find an activity partner

Are there events that interest you, but no one follows you? Join activities with locals and other travelers for a unique experience. You can open activities on Urbansurf and invite people to join you while you enjoy your new interest. Ride a bike, play sports, paint pictures, taste wine, discuss a topic... whatever you want.

Explore the city

Do you think the Internet is advising you on all the popular ads? There are urban planners ready to share their experience in the city. These city experts share the hidden spots you should know. Find Urbaners in your city.

Make new friends

Is it difficult to find like-minded people? Meet new people by joining Urbansurf activities and start long-term relationships. Urbansurf is full of people who love socializing with new friends. They are open to hearing new ideas, sharing experience. Take someone up on their offer of coffee and have lifelong friends.

Before saying goodbye;

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Your comments and suggestions are valuable to us.

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